Rodeo Pest Control


Do you know the difference between carpenter, fire and harvester ants? Do you know their different habitats and characteristics? Not many people do, but at Anteater Exterminating all of our technicians are trained and educated on all the different species of ants that live here in the Phoenix area. And with this knowledge and training comes the ability to exterminate any ant problem quickly and effectively.

There are more species of ants in Arizona than any other state and some of these can be very destructive to the structures of homes and buildings, others bite or sting and all of them can be a nuisance. Certain people can be highly allergic to the sting or bite of ants, which can even cause anaphylactic shock. Don’t let these threats to your home and health become a major factor in your life. Call Rodeo Pest Control for complete ant and other pest control service in Morongo Basin and the surrounding areas.

Negative Impact Of Ants

You might just think that ants are a bother in the kitchen there can be many other problems associated with ants in your home.

  • Sting and/or bite
  • Presence can contaminate food
  • Can take over large portions of your yard
  • Remove seeds from gardens and lawns
  • Eat away at your plants
  • Encourage the growth of other problematic insects
  • Put holes in fabric and other important materials
  • Can kill young poultry birds/infect larger animals
  • Can transmit bacteria into your home
  • Cause wood damage

Ant Control Process

Get them in the places they live and feed. Our pest control services in Phoenix are never one-size-fits-all. Depending of the type of ants and the size of the colony, we use specific products and treatment processes that are proven to remove the insects plaguing your home. Our experienced team members know that to eliminate the colony, you have to start with the queen. We use baits that cause the workers to feed her poison. At the same time, we take measures to keep your family safe from any chemicals.

While many ants are easy to locate as they have an ongoing trail leading to their colony, carpenter ants are more difficult to find. They bore into the wood of your home or business and generally stay beneath the surface. They can be more common than termites and just as destructive, if not more so. The sooner you call Anteater Exterminating to take care of your ant problem the less damage to your home there will be.

Each and everyone of our clients ant control problem is different. There are so many factors that go into each treatment, which is why our technicians pay attention to every detail to ensure everything is done right.

For some situations a home or business may only need a single treatment. It will depend on the type of ants and the size of the colony. We ensure total ant control by treating your outbreak with a targeted treatment at the proper areas. Our technicians visit as often as it takes to help you get your property back to you, ant free.

Our exterminators are experienced in ant control and will devise a plan for your specific situation. After reviewing everything with you our technicians will set to work on treating your home. And when everything is done we can set up a treatment plan to come by your home or business to perform preventative maintenance that ensures ants won’t disrupt you again. That is our commitment to all our Morongo basin and surrounding area residents. Call Rodeo Pest Control today and be rid of ants for good!